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Suresh Pallapothu

Customizing TBE to plug-in the world

By February 11, 2016July 10th, 2018No Comments

In general, every job requires two kinds of skills. There are skills pertaining to the job, such as education, technology, tools, and past experiences, as well as soft or transferable skills, including communication, presentation ability, teamwork, planning, time management,supervisory, and problem solving skills. Majority of screenings and interviews end up comparing all these skills to find the ideal candidate for the position.

Ever changing markets and business operations requires job skill sets to be more and more specific, targeted and focused, making a relevant applicant pool more critical than ever.  For example,searching for developers with specific integration experience or a sales executive with specific content marketing experience. Taleo Business Edition (TBE) is a great tool for applicant tracking, but it is limited in its ability to integrate with social media.

Expanding the horizon of an applicant search beyond job portals to all available channels is always a big win for organizations. Of course, “organic” social media promotion has its place, with platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ offering a wide range of increasingly sophisticated ways to segment audiences and reach the right people – for the right price. And it’s much more effective if properly backed by an applicant tracking system.

Back in July 2015, TBE introduced a new mobile enabled careers website to post jobs that can be easily integrated with company websites and is heavily used by applicants. It is also easy to enable integrations with job portals like job Target and e-Quest. Leveraging and extending the same framework and functionalities in TBE enables hiring managers and applicants to easily share the job postings and track the number of impressions.

Unfortunately, Taleo Business Edition (TBE) doesn’t offer much in the way of sharing capabilities for open positions on social media platforms LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. It’s a long pursued idea in Idea Lab – Talent Management (TBE) forum by TBE customers. At EiS, we have figured out an effective way to bring the world to TBE requisitions by developing a connector between TBE and social media sites.

For seamless integrations, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google+ platforms offer several methods to share rich content, including plugins and APIs. Embedding shared plugins into TBE through EiS created custom integration allows hiring managers and applicants to share requisitions and spread the word.

To learn more about Taleo and Oracle Cloud Integration, join me at the Collaborate 16 – OAUG Technology and Applications Forum. Click here to add my presentation to your schedule:

Collaborate 16 Session


Please see some screenshots below:

Recruiter’s capability of sharing an open requisition – on View Requisition screen, they may also track the number of shares and re-shares to estimate the reach

Recruiter’s capability of sharing an open requisition – on Add/Edit Requisition screen

Mobile enabled careers website – capability for visitors/applicants to share the jobs

Careers website page – capability for visitors/applicants to share the jobs